Professor Anthony Warrens
Medical interests: General nephrology; renal transplant medicine; renal and transplantation immunology.
I have a long-held professional and academic interest in nephrology in general and organ transplantation in particular. Transplantation biology has developed enormously over recent years and our advances in understanding rejection and the expansion of agents available to prevent and treat it have remarkably enhanced outcomes for patients over the years. I was recently honoured to be elected as President of the British Transplantation Society, which role I take up in March 2013. I am also a member of the Department of Health’s Advisory Committee on Safety in Blood, Tissues and Organs and the UK Donation Ethics Committee.
Professor Anthony Warrens studied Immunology at Glasgow University and completed his pre-clinical medical education there before moving to Oxford University Medical School for clinical training. He subsequently undertook a PhD at the Hammersmith Hospital, London, now part of Imperial College London, gaining clinical experience at several hospitals in London. After a post-doctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital, part of Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA, he returned to the UK as Consultant Renal Physician and Senior Lecturer at Hammersmith Hospital. He became Professor of Renal and Transplantation Medicine at Imperial in 2008.
Professor Warrens is currently Professor of Renal and Transplantation Medicine at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London. His research focuses on attitudes to organ transplantation and mechanisms of organ rejection. He is highly regarded as a medical educator and is currently Dean for Education at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Director of the Institute of Health Sciences Education and Clinical Director of Barts Health NHS Trust’s Education Academy. Professor Warrens is also a member of the Kidney Advisory Group of the Organ Donation and Transplantation Directorate of NHS Blood and Transplant and contributed to redefining the scheme for National Deceased Donor Kidney Allocation.
Professor Warrens is Consultant Renal Physician at the Royal London Hospital where he participates equally with his consultant colleagues in the care of patients on the renal wards, as well as having his own out-patient responsibilities.
Professor Warrens sees patients on an ad hoc basis at mutually convenient times and is usually able to arrange an initial appointment within 24-72 hours of receiving a referral.
Professor Anthony Warrens has a financial interest in the Devonshire Diagnostic Centre Limited
Self Pay Initial consult: £300 Follow up: £200 Insured Initial consult: Within the schedule of charges for specific insurance companies* Follow up: Within the schedule of charges for specific insurance companies* *Please also note that some policies do not cover consultations – always check your policy conditions or contact with your insurer as necessary.