Dr Neil Stone
Qualifications: MBBS PhD FRCP FRCPath DTMH
Medical speciality: Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
I am a consultant with dual training in clinical Infectious Diseases medicine & laboratory microbiology. I have expertise & experience in treating a wide range of bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, as well as a particular interest in complex and imported fungal infection (medical mycology), as well as infection in the immune compromised.
I also have experience in the diagnosis & management of imported & tropical infection, having have studied and worked in several countries on the African continent, working as a Consultant at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in my NHS appointment.
I see patients with a range of acute & chronic infectious diseases of all kinds, including hospital-acquired infections, drug resistant or chronic infections. I have a research background & clinical interest in drug resistant and complex fungal infections.
Undergraduate medical training at Guy’s, King’s College and St. Thomas’ School of Medicine (GKT)
Post graduate specialist training in Infectious Diseases at University College Hospital, Royal Free, St. Thomas’ and St George’s hospitals in London
Completed a PhD on antifungal drug resistance at St. George’s, University of London
Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases/University College London Hospitals
Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases/University College London Hospitals
Availability for Consultations
Mon: In clinic / 17.15 – 20.00
Self Pay Initial consult: £325 Follow up: £200
Insured Initial consult: Within the schedule of charges for specific insurance companies* Follow up: Within the schedule of charges for specific insurance companies*