Dr Ahmed Yousseif
Medical interests: Diabetes, Endocrinology and Bariatric Medicine & Acute/General Medicine.
Diabetes and Endocrinology As a Consultant at the Royal Free London Hospital I treat more than 1000 patients per Year with Diabetes & Endocrine disorders in my outpatient clinics and the inpatient services. My clinical experience spans across all aspects of Diabetes and Endocrinology in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. Diabetes: I am the clinical Lead for the Complex Diabetes Foot services across Royal Free London. My practice in Diabetes includes general adult type 1 & type 2 outpatient Diabetes Clinics, diabetes foot services and diabetes and Endocrine MDTs; and in the inpatient setting the management of Acute Diabetes emergencies. Endocrinology: In my Endocrine Clinics I treat a wide spectrum of Endocrine disorders including parathyroid disorders, osteoporosis, calcium disorders, pituitary disease, adrenal disorders, polycystic ovarian syndrome, menstrual irregularities and menopausal symptoms, hypogonadism and patients with fatigue, sweating and flushing. Furthermore, I am the Lead Endocrine Consultant for the Royal Free Hospital joint paediatric/adult Transition services. Obesity and Bariatric Medicine: I have extensive clinical and academic experience in the field of obesity, weight management and bariatric medicine, including medical management of obesity and weight excess per se by pharmacotherapies, investigation and management of obesity-associated complications, and management of patients before and after bariatric surgery. Acute and General Medicine I have a broad experience in General Internal and Acute Medicine. My strong clinical acumen and knowledge in General Medicine is key in enabling me to provide evidence-based, high-quality and holistic clinical care to my patients. At the Royal Free Hospital, I regularly participate to the Acute Medicine Morning report Forums/MDTs. In addition, I contribute to the delivery of the Acute Medical rota at the Princess Grace Hospital. Furthermore, I have experience in the managerial role of the Service Line Lead for Acute Medicine between 2015-2018. Expertise
- Diagnosis and on-going management of type 1 & type 2 Diabetes mellitus and their complications, including insulin pump services and glucose sensors.
- Diagnosis and management of weight disorders and their metabolic complications.
- Diagnosis and management of common and rare Thyroid disorders.
- Diagnosis and management of osteoporosis and metabolic bone disorders.
- Diagnosis and management of parathyroid disease and calcium imbalance disorders.
- Diagnosis and management of antenatal Diabetes & Endocrinology.
- Medical management of Obesity management and the metabolic syndrome.
- Diagnosis and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome and amenorrhoea.
- Diagnosis and management of adrenal disorders.
- Neuroendocrine disorders of the pituitary and hypothalamus.
- Investigation and management of endocrine causes of fatigue
- Investigation and management of endocrine causes of flushing and sweating.
- General Internal and Acute Medicine
- Management of Complex Diabetes, inducing Diabetes Foot Disease.
Dr Yousseif is committed in delivering holistic, individualised patient-centred clinical care. Dr Yousseif became a member of the Royal College of Physicians in 2002. Subsequently, undertook his specialist registrar training in Diabetes and Endocrinology in the University College London Hospital –based Registrar rotational programme of the London Deanery. Dr Yousseif then undertook three years of consolidated research towards a PhD degree in the field of Obesity and Bariatric Medicine at the University College London Hospital Centre for Weight Loss, Metabolic & Endocrine Surgery. Dr Yousseif was awarded a PhD from UCL for my research and my research work has been published in peer-reviewed papers. Dr Yousseif was originally appointed as a substantive Consultant in Endocrinology and Diabetes in 2013 at St Peter’s and Ashford Hospital. In this post he practised across all aspects of Diabetes and Endocrinology, in addition to being the Medical Lead for the Diabetes Foot Complex MDT services, the Medical Lead for Tier 4 Bariatric Services, and the Clinical Lead for the Acute Medical Services at St Peter’s and Ashford Hospitals. In 2017, Dr Yousseif was appointed by the Royal Free Hospital as a Substantive Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology and the Clinical Lead for the Royal Free London Complex Diabetes Foot Services. Dr Yousseif maintains a specialist interest in Complex Diabetes, Diabetes Foot Disease, weight management and Bariatric Medicine, as well as practicing across all aspects of Diabetes and Endocrinology, while maintaining a strong interest in General Internal Medicine and holistic clinical care. Professional Interests
- Adult Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes mellitus services
- Transition Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes mellitus services (including insulin pumps and glucose sensors)
- Complex Diabetes mellitus
- Diabetes Foot Disease
- Obesity & Weight loss Management
- Bariatric Medicine
- Common and rare Thyroid disorders
- Osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease disorders
- Parathyroid disease and calcium balance disorders
- Hypothalamic-Pituitary Endocrine disorders
- Adrenal disorders
- Investigations and management of fatigue
- Investigations and management of sweating and flushing
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Female endocrine health (menopause, excess hair growth)
- General and Acute Medicine
Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust
Availability for Consultations
Mon: In Clinic / 16.00 – 20.00
Tue: In Clinic / Ad hoc
Wed: In Clinic / 09.00 – 20.00
Thu: In Clinic / Ad hoc
Fri: In Clinic / Ad hoc
Sat: In Clinic / Ad hoc *other times may be available on request
Dr Ahmed Yousseif has a financial interest in the Devonshire Diagnostic Centre Limited.
Self Pay Initial consult: £300 Follow up: £200 Insured * Initial consult: Within the schedule of charges for specific insurance companies* Follow up: Within the schedule of charges for specific insurance companies* *If your policy covers consultations, there will be no shortfall to pay (but you may have an excess on your policy). Please also note that some policies do not cover consultations – always check your policy conditions or contact with your insurer as necessary. Dr Ahmed Yousseif is a member of TPC’s on-call rota. For weekends and public holidays only, the doctor receives a fee of £416-460 for being on-call from 6am to 10pm.