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Neurology and Covid – 19


In the attached review, Dr Hadi Manji, Consultant Neurologist at The Physicians Clinic, writes about the neurological complications of COVID-19 infection. This is a rapidly evolving field and clearly we will understand more as the pandemic develops. Dr Manji also reviews the potential risks of COVID-19 infection in patients with pre-existing underlying neurological disease, and particularly in those patients taking immunosuppressant drug treatments.

The majority of our clinicians have been working on the front line, contributing to the NHS effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. If however patients do require private consultation with any of our physicians, we continue to operate a private remote consult service. Please contact us on 0207 034 8164 or by email to

Please click on this link to see the attached review from Dr Hadi Manji, Consultant Neurologist.

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