Professor Millicent Stone
Medical interests: General rheumatology, osteoporosis and bone health of the female athlete, spondyloarthropathy including ankylosing spondylitis and inflammatory eye disease osteoarthritis and crystal diseases including gout.
Dr Stone is particularly interested in promoting the health and wellbeing of female athletes. Her clinical and research interests are focused on developing efficient and effective programmes of treatment for disorders that affect the bones and joints. She worked in Toronto, Canada for several years, where she developed the spondyloarthropathy methodology research therapeutics program programme (SMART) for patients with diseased vertebral joints. This is now being implemented internationally. She is an established researcher in her field but she is equally passionate about delivering the highest standard of care for her patients. Dr Stone is passionate about enabling people live longer healthier lives. Dr Stone is a Homerton Changemakers Ambassador at Cambridge University and hosts her own podcast www.livelongerthepodcast.com. Dr Stone is CEO co-founder of iOWNA (www.iowna.com) a digital app to enable clinicians to share the right information at the right time with their patients to improve outcomes.
Dr Millicent Stone was born in Ireland and attended the National University of Ireland, gaining a degree in General Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. She moved to Canada to specialise further, taking up a Fellowship in Spondyloarthropathy at the University of Toronto and obtaining a further degree in Clinical Epidemiology during her time there. She set up the SMART programme at St Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, where she was Consultant Rheumatologist and Associate Professor of Medicine.
Upon returning to the UK, Dr Stone was appointed as Consultant Rheumatologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT), London and Moorfields Eye Hospital London. Dr Stone maintains a strong specialist clinical and research interest in back pain and Spondyloarthropathy and inflammatory eye diseases and is regarded as a key opinion leader in this field of Rheumatology. Dr Stone’s role in the NHS was unique in that she ran the Medical Eye Unit at St Thomas’ Hospital with her colleague Professor Miles Stanford, focusing upon patients with disorders that affect the eye and other systems and need a general Rheumatological input. Dr Stone previously helped lead the metabolic bone program at GSTT with Professor Spector. Dr Stone has retained a strong interest in metabolic bone disease including Osteoporosis in her practice. Dr Stone is certified as a bone densitometrist by the International Society of Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and offers treatment for Osteoporosis with various agents including bisphosphonates denosumab and teriparitide. She works closely with athletes and is an expert in the Female Athlete Triad a condition that involves reduced calorific intake impaired menstruation and consequent fracture risk. Dr Stone specialises in osteoporosis, back pain and inflammatory eye disease.
Availability for Consultations Mon: Tue: Wed: Thu: In Clinic / AM and Evening Fri: Sat: *Evenings and Saturdays available on request.
Self Pay Initial consult: £350 Follow up: £250 Insured Initial consult: Within the schedule of charges for specific insurance companies* Follow up: Within the schedule of charges for specific insurance companies* *Please also note that some policies do not cover consultations – always check your policy conditions or contact with your insurer as necessary.